CoinAPI Planned Maintenance

Saturday, 4 January 2 hours

Maintenance window was rescheduled on 4 January.

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Maintenance window was rescheduled on 29 December.

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Maintenance window was rescheduled on 28 December.

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Historical Market Data API - OHLCV will no longer be part of this maintenance as this component was migrated without any visible impact from the customer side.

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Maintenance window was rescheduled on 27 December.

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The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Maintenance window start time was rescheduled on next week same starting time and length extended from 1 hour to 2 hours.

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We will perform scheduled maintenance on  Dec 14, 2024, 21:00 - 22:00 UTC. During this time, the following features will be unavailable:

  1. Historical Market Data API - OHLCV, Exchange Rates, and Metrics
  2. Historical Indexes API - Timeseries and compositions for an Index
  3. Customer Portal - Traces (REST API), Traces (Connection log), and Usage Metrics
  4. EMS API - Historical Orders log.

Real-time data and historical Raw Data (such as Flat Files, Order Books, Trades, and Quotes) will not be affected during the maintenance period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our services.

Avatar for Aleja Escalante
Aleja Escalante
Affected components
  • Website
    • Customer Portal
  • Market Data API
    • REST
      • Metrics
      • Exchange rates
  • Indexes API
    • REST API