All systems are go 48600991-ED47-4527-ABFD-4BC10F27924F

Don't agree with this? Please let us know

  • Website
  • Market Data API
    • REST
      • Metadata (Data Sources, Symbols, Assets, Icons)
      • Metrics
      • Exchange rates
      • Indexes
      • Timeseries data (OHLCV)
      • Trades
      • Quotes
      • Order book
    • WebSocket
      • Trades
      • Quotes
      • Order books
      • Timeseries data (OHLCV)
      • Metadata (symbols, exchanges, assets)
      • Exchange rates
    • FIX
      • Metadata (Security List)
      • Market Data
    • S3 API
  • Execution Management System API (EMS)
    • REST
    • Cloud Management (REST)
    • WebSocket
    • FIX
  • Connectivity
    • Region related - EMEA
    • Region related - APAC
    • Region related - NCSA
    • AWS Direct Connect
    • AWS VPC Peerings
    • IBX Cross Connects
    • GCE Dedicated Interconnects
    • GCE VPC Peerings
  • Node as a Service API
    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
  • Customer Portal
Previous Incidents

[Resolved] Unable to login into the Customer Portal

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Customer Portal

We are identified the issue and are working on this at the moment.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] Some customers are unable to log in into the Customer Portal

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Customer Portal

We are currently investigating the issue.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Complete] Planned maintenance on AWS Direct Connect endpoint

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Connectivity
  • AWS Direct Connect

Planned maintenance has been scheduled on an AWS Direct Connect endpoint in Equinix NY5, Secaucus, NJ from Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:00:00 GMT to Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:00:00 GMT for 4 hours. During this maintenance window, your AWS Direct Connect services may become unavailable. This maintenance is scheduled to avoid disrupting redundant connections at the same time. Apologies for any inconvenience this will cause, and we appreciate your understanding.

The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] Delayed historical exchange rate data - 2024-06-11

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Market Data API
  • REST
  • Exchange rates

We have identified an issue on our side with REST API exchange rates historical data, being delayed. Our team has released a fix for this issue, and should not happen again. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused and appreciate your patience. Thank you for your understanding.

[Complete] Customer Portal Certificate Rotation

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Customer Portal

There could be a short time when the customer portal will not be available in the period of updating the certificate.

The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] API calls returning 403 errors (EMEA region)

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Connectivity
  • Region related - EMEA

The team was rolling a new backend related to quotas & limits, which caused this issue in the EMEA region. The issue was caused as some subscriptions were not correctly configured on our side, and in consequence, caused the API to deny access. We quickly addressed the issue and that was a one-time event that we will make sure not to happen again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

[False Alarm] Improving quality of the historical exchange rates

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Market Data API
  • REST
  • Exchange rates

We are currently improving the quality of the historical exchange rate data. This will not affect the API availability however there could be short periods where some part of the data will not be available.

This work was scheduled for another window.

[Resolved] Delayed Historical Exchange Rates (~1HRS delay)

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Market Data API
  • REST
  • Exchange rates

We have identified an issue on our side with REST API exchange rates historical data, being delayed by ~1HRS. Our team is currently working to resolve this problem. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused and appreciate your patience as we work towards a solution. Thank you for your understanding.

We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

[Resolved] Coinbase Exchange No Data Acquisition

Began: Ended: Duration:
  • Market Data API
  • REST
  • Timeseries data (OHLCV)
  • Trades
  • Quotes
  • Order book
  • WebSocket
  • Trades
  • Quotes
  • Order books
  • Timeseries data (OHLCV)
  • FIX
  • Market Data

Due to the changes implemented on the Coinbase side, we were unable to acquire the market data for this period.

No further notices from the past 90 days.